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Alicia to present at the Annual Conference of the Microbiology Society

Alicia is an alumnus of CCIR, where she conducted her research under the supervision of Dr Zarkan. We are excited to announce that her paper “Chronic and Recurrent Bacterial Infections: The Role of Persisters and Biofilms” has just been accepted by the Annual Conference of the Microbiology Society.

The Microbiology Society, based in the United Kingdom, is the largest learned microbiological society in Europe with a worldwide membership in universities, industry, hospitals, and research institutes.

The Annual Conference is one of the most prestigious microbiology conferences in Europe. It brings together scientists who work in microbiology and provides a comprehensive overview of current microbiological research and discoveries.

Alicia will be presenting alongside not just undergraduates, but also graduate students and even faculty members. In her poster presentation, Alicia focuses on the rise of antibiotic resistance and the global health challenges this poses in the next decade—focusing in particular on the increased ability of bacteria to form biofilms, which provide protection from both antibiotics and the host immune system, as well as the more well-known issue of persisters, which survive antibiotic treatment by entering a dormant or semi-dormant state.

This year’s Annual Conference will be held in Belfast, at its International Convention Centre.


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