
Spring 2025 Admissions is officially OPEN.

High School Student Researcher Allison’s Paper on Constructivist Tokenisation for English Accepted by Georgetown University Round Table on Linguistics

Allison Fan, a Year 11 student at Winston Churchill High School in the United States, has demonstrated exceptional passion for linguistics. Previously, she participated in a summer programme at Stony Brook University where she created a mini project on language translation using syntax trees and was inspired to pursue her interest in linguistics even further.

Her pursuit of intellectual curiosity has resulted in notable achievements. She has been a North American Computational Linguistics Olympiad Semifinalist, achieving rankings of 15th place in North America and 13th place in the US in 2021. Furthermore, she has attained a top 3% ranking in the 2022 competition.

We are pleased to announce that Allison’s research paper has been accepted at the prestigious Georgetown University Round Table on Linguistics (GURT/SyntaxFest 2023). It is a peer-reviewed annual linguistics conference held continuously since 1949 at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., with topics and co-located events varying from year to year.

Congratulations, Allison!


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