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High School Student Researcher Sarvesh on Researching and Publishing Disruptive Innovations

Sarvesh Tiku is a high school student at The Brigade School @ JP Nagar, Bengaluru, India, with a keen interest in business and economics. He has achieved remarkable success in various academic competitions, including ranking first in the South Zone Region among over 100,000 students in the Global Economics Olympiad and earning a Silver Honor in the finals of the International Youth Math Challenge. Sarvesh has also been accepted into the prestigious Yale Young Global Scholars Program, a highly selective academic summer enrichment program offered by Yale University to exceptional high school students.

At CCIR Academy, Sarvesh conducted a research project on entrepreneurship entitled “Analyzing Disruptive Innovations with Respect to Deep Market Penetration and Timing,” which has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Student Research.

During his interview on the CCIR Academy Student Spotlights, Sarvesh discusses his research project and how it has helped him gain a deeper understanding of market dynamics. He also shares his experiences working with his professor, who has been instrumental in guiding and supporting him throughout the research process.


Cambridge CCIR
Cambridge CCIR
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