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High School Student Researcher Seungmyoung on Regenerative Neurobiology

At CCIR, Seungmyoung works on a research project related to Regenerative Neurobiology and Gene Therapy. Her project is ambitious and original. By optimizing the involvement of track B in sensory action growth and protein signaling, her research project could have significant implications for the development of gene therapies for various neurological disorders.

Seungmyoung has always been passionate about science. She won the silver medal at the Toronto Science Fair and received the best position paper award at the PRIMUN conference. She was selected to participate in the Global Health Leaders Conference by Johns Hopkins University and the Harvard Science Research Conference.

In CCIR Academy Student Spotlights, Seungmyoung discusses her journey at CCIR, where she has been exploring the fascinating world of research. She also talks about her research project in Regenerative Neurobiology.


Cambridge CCIR
Cambridge CCIR
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